
Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls

"The most powerful book I've ever encountered on codependency is Robert Burney's Codependence: Dance of the Wounded Souls. Read it and reread it. Then read it again."

"I have been one of the lucky people to read your sensational book! . . . This book is truly a masterpiece. . . Wouldn't it be great if every living being on the planet read this book? Global transformation!"

"I just read your wonderful book, thank you for writing it. I have been a spiritual teacher since childhood, however, your book let me organize my thoughts a new way, a new perspective. I now have a much deeper understanding and am still learning from it. Dance, is one of the truly transformational works of our time."

"When I found your book, I found myself."

"I am a 52 year old psychotherapist and have struggled with codependency all my life. Up until tonight I have been disappointed in the literature and treatment of codependency. Your work is brilliant! I can't find words to express my appreciation with the depth I am feeling."

"You have taken inner child healing to a new level. In your brilliantly written book you explain the missing pieces of the puzzle in a way that is amazingly simple and understandable."

"I truly believe that I have made more progress on a personal level in the few weeks I have had Robert's book and tape than in the preceding eight plus years when I first found out what codependency was."

"Robert, you are a metaphysical Stephen Hawking. Thank you."

"This dance of Codependence is a dance of dysfunctional relationships - of relationships that do not work to meet our needs. That does not mean just romantic relationships, or family relationships, or even human relationships in general. The fact that dysfunction exists in our romantic, family, and human relationships is a symptom of the dysfunction that exists in our relationship with life - with being human. It is a symptom of the dysfunction which exists in our relationships with ourselves as human beings"

Quotes in this color are from Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls

Spiritual Teacher and Codependency Therapist Robert Burney, whose work has been compared to John Bradshaw's "except much more spiritual" and described as "taking inner child healing to a new level," has developed a unique approach to emotional healing that is the next level of recovery from codependency so many people have been seeking. He has pioneered an inner child healing paradigm that offers a powerful, life changing formula for integrating Love, Spiritual Truth, and intellectual knowledge of healthy behavior into one's emotional experience of life - a blueprint for individuals to transform their core relationship with self and life.

Robert, whose process is firmly grounded on twelve step recovery principles and emotional energy release / grief process therapy, specializes in teaching individuals how to become empowered to have internal boundaries so they can learn to relax and enjoy life in the moment while healing. It is the unique approach and application of the concept of internal boundaries, coupled with a Loving Spiritual belief system, that make the work so innovative and effective.

His personal belief is that we are Spiritual Beings having a human experience that is unfolding perfectly from a Cosmic perspective - with no accidents, coincidences, or mistakes. He considers Spirituality to be a word that describes one's relationship with life - and anyone, regardless of religious belief or lack of it (who is not completely closed minded), can apply the approach he shares on this web site and in his book, to help them transform their experience of life into an easier, more Loving and enjoyable journey.

In his book Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls "A Cosmic Perspective on Codependence and the Human Condition" he postulates that Codependence (i.e. outer or external dependence) is The Human Condition - and that we have now entered a new Age of Healing and Joy in which it is possible to heal the planet through healing our relationships with self. He combines Twelve Step Recovery Principles, Metaphysical Truth, and Native American Spirituality with quantum physics and molecular biology in presenting his belief that we are all connected, we are all extensions of the Divine, and that ultimately Love is our True essence.

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Joy to You & Me Enterprises is now offering a series of Intensive Training Days with Spiritual Teacher, inner child healing pioneer Robert Burney. Learn his innovative Spiritual Integration Formula for Inner Healing.


CODEPENDENCE: The Dance of Wounded Souls APP

Step into healing wherever you go! Introducing the 'Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls' App – your portable portal to understanding, growth, and connection.

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